Whenever you work out a budget, you should look at where you can most effectively save money.
This could be simple changes to every day spending, like where you shop, or changing who provides services like utilities, internet, etc. You might also look at where you can make smaller savings, which collectively add up.
One area where you can do this is with the running costs associated with your car. There are a number of ways you can bring your overall costs down. Individually, these might save you a bit of money here and there, but, collectively, they add up to a sustained and much more substantial saving.
Your insurance is one of the big annual costs you pay on a car. Finding ways to reduce the cost of your insurance can lead to big savings.
From the level of insurance you take out on your car, to shopping around to finding the best possible price and benefits from an insurer, there are ways to bring down the cost you pay.
Insurance is usually your biggest outgoing on your car. Being able to reduce the amount you pay, either as a one-off annual cost or a monthly payment, can make managing your finances easier and give you a bit more money to play around with.
We’ve written more about what you can do to reduce the cost of your insurance here.

You aren’t going to get very far without fuel, but there are ways to save on the cost of filling up your car:
- – Driving smoothly, with less stopping and starting
- – Ensuring your tyres are the right pressure
- – Removing unnecessary weight from your car
- – Using apps and websites to find the cheapest places to fill up in your area
The cost of petrol fluctuates, and your fuel economy can be influenced by the sort of car you drive.
Taking the steps to improve the fuel efficiency of your car doesn’t mean you can avoid filling up altogether. But it should mean you’re getting more for your money and that you’ll need to visit a petrol station less often.

It’s never nice when something goes wrong with your car. It can be expensive to fix and, unless you’ve got a courtesy car, it can leave you without a vehicle.
There are steps you can take to bring the cost of your repairs down. Think about the ways you can avoid taking your car to a mechanic. Simple fixes, like checking your oil and tyre pressure, are easy jobs to do yourself.
These simple jobs don’t require a mechanic. Doing them yourself can help keep your car in good working order and avoid costly repairs further down the line.

Paying for your car
Controlling your budgeting means making sure you’re getting the best price when you pay for something. Your insurance and other running costs can be reduced, with some clever thinking and shopping around.
The amount you pay for your car should also be competitive and something that can be comfortably worked into your budget.
At Hippo Motor Finance, we’re committed to making sure you find your perfect car on a finance deal that suits you. We can draw from a huge range of cars and different lenders to find you the best deal.
To find out more about how we can help you find your perfect finance package, click here!